Win-Win-Win Situation: Bringing Technologies to Market
Previous MUN Gazette Article highlights successful partnerships in innovation in Fisheries and Seafood industry.
Previous MUN Gazette Article highlights successful partnerships in innovation in Fisheries and Seafood industry.
The CCFI can provide the expertise needed to evaluate the effect of seals on fish stock recovery. This knowledge is crucial to inform conservation and management strategies that are designed to ensure sustainable fishing practices.
The Canadian Centre for Fisheries Innovation has approved a partnership with Miawpukek Horizon Maritime Services to evaluate the C Robotics’ diver-assisted C Disc technology for sea urchin harvesting.
CCFI advanced over 20 research projects in 2022 to promote beneficial innovations in harvesting, processing, and aquaculture sectors, including projects aimed at improving the sustainability, safety and success of harvesting efforts on the water.
The CCFI approved a project using AI to create a population assessment model for Northern Shrimp in Eastern Canada in partnership with three fishing industry associations.
CCFI, in partnership with Innovation Norway and the Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University, hosted a delegation of Norwegian companies last week in support of expanding the aquaculture sector in NL.
Keith Hutchings, the Managing Director of the Canadian Center For Fisheries Innovation (CCFI), was recently a guest on the On Target St. John’s program, where he shared his insights and expertise on the industry.
Newfoundland and Labrador is playing a significant role in the 13th annual Laurentic Forum – a virtual gathering of experts from North Atlantic nations underway this week. Click to read more
Memorial Gazette article giving a deep dive on how collaboration between CCFI, academic expertise at MUN, and the private sector created economic opportunity.
CCFI is supporting a project partnership with three fishing industry associations—The Canadian Association of Prawn Producers, the Northern Coalition, and the Nunavut Fisheries Association.