CCFI is a conduit between industry players, academic expertise, and innovation funding supports that creates knowledge through research projects, and serves as a national store of information regarding best practice for safety, sustainability, and profitability. In addition to supporting specific research and development projects that enhance the sustainability, safety, and/or profitability of the seafood industry, CCFI also offers project management services to industry players wishing to undertake significant projects related to innovation, trialing of technology, conducting feasibility studies, or carrying out sustainability or conservation work.
Our project development support is focused in three key areas:
Project Logistics: Project partners come to CCFI with ideas in varying stages of development. CCFI works with these partners to fully develop their idea into a research project proposal that improves profitability, sustainability, and/or safety for the seafood sector, ensures access to specialized expertise, and is designed to leverage funding support successfully.
Sourcing Funds: With respect to sourcing funding for innovation projects, CCFI continuously researches and reviews sources of funding that are made available through government entities, research funding institutions, charitable organizations, and other sources, and works with project partners to develop project that will be eligible to secure necessary funding.
In recent years, many CCFI projects have been funded by the Atlantic Fisheries Fund (AFF). When projects are funded through the AFF, they are funded on the basis of a minimum of 25% of costs being provided by the project proponent (and of that 25%, a minimum of 10% must be cash and up to 15% can be in-kind).
This is just one example however. Projects funded by other sources of support would require different contribution arrangements, which the CCFI team would discuss with you as a project proposal is developed.
CCFI is proud to note that through the AFF program alone, it has encouraged more than $1.5 million in seafood industry investment in various research and development projects aimed at keeping Canada at the forefront of best practice globally. Stimulating industry investment and ensuring that investment is directed in manner that is responsive to industry priorities is central to our operations.
Sourcing Expertise: The fact that CCFI headquartered within the Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University, (which is one of the world’s foremost centres for education, training, applied research and industrial support for the ocean industries) has its benefits. As potential projects are proposed to CCFI, we often seek the input and participation of leading researchers within the Institute and secure partnerships with various research divisions to ensure project success. We also maintain relationships with global leaders in various fields of study and draw on that expertise as appropriate to help see projects through to successful completion.
We usually start with an introductory call, Email, or meeting where you will get the opportunity to familiarize us with your idea. Based on your vision of what you want to do or the problem you wish to solve, we then look at potential funding sources that could be approached and determine what kind of expertise and facilities would be needed to carry out a successful project. Working collaboratively, the details of a research project are finalized with you so that a project proposal can be advanced to secure funding support, expertise, and resources.
CCFI’s team will provide assistance to ongoing projects by:
- Providing oversight of project activities;
- Assisting with planning and logistics;
- Helping with any challenges on unexpected developments should they arise;
- Supporting project proponents with billing and records management; and
- Reviewing and finalizing the final project report; and
- Dissemination of accumulated research, and product and technology development.
CCFI encourages anyone wishing to explore a proposal related to research and development in the harvesting, aquaculture, and processing sectors of the Canadian Seafood Industry to get in touch. If, after exploring your idea, we determine we are unable to partner directly with you, we can still provide advice about what support opportunities may exist.
Our staff is comprised of our Managing Director, who leads all operations, engages on industry priorities and requirements, collaborates with stakeholders, and provides oversight to research; as well as an Industry Liaison Officer and an Office Manager, who support partners in projects.
CCFI is a conduit between industry players, academic expertise, and innovation funding supports that creates knowledge through research projects and serves as a national store of information regarding best practice for safety, sustainability, and profitability.